Field and Bloom’s selling season begins with spring bulbs- narcissi, tulips, ranunculus, anemone, fritillary, and allium and the earliest of perennials – Hellebores. Adding structure is spring blossom - cherry, apple and spiraea plus pussy willow.

The range of spring blooms available this month includes early perennials, biennials and the first of the hardy annuals as well as spring flowering shrubs. Flowers include aquilegia, lupin, hesperis, peony, foxgloves, cornflower, geum, nigella, poppy, ammi, Larkspur, orlaya and more.

June is a month when the hardy annuals really come into their own. There is such a huge variety to grow and availability changes each year. Of the annuals Ammi, Orlaya and Gypsophila Covent Garden are popular white filler flowers at this time or year. Cornflower, Calendula, Larkspur, Nigella, Scabious and Sweet Peas add colour to the mix. The perennials are also coming into their own with Delphinium, Veronica, Salvia, Astrantia and many more in flower in June.

The annuals continue to put on a show and the half hardy annuals are added to the mix. Asters, Phlox, Strawflowers, Amaranthus and Cosmos to name a few. The first of the Dahlias are flowering by the end of July.

The height of dahlia season has arrived with many different colours, shapes and size of dahlia available to suit every palette. Annuals and perennials continue to add to the range available. Rudbeckia, Helenium, Sunflowers and Zinnias are popular.

Nearing the end of the season the dahlias continue to put on a show. Autumnal colours become popular. Zinnias, Amaranthus, Rudbeckia and Sunflowers contribute to the mix. This. A great time of year for a range of grasses too